Copyright © Art'Marant
Stand: 06.09.21



Art'Marant Livingstone (Lev)
male, black-silver
Owner: Aljosa Pukl, Luxembourg

4 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, BOS, 2 x BOB
Benelux Winner 2017
Landessieger Hessen (PSK)
Luxembourg Champion

Eye test 01/2019  clear 
Height 34 cm
MAC DNA tested CLEAR/Healthy, Homozygous normal

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in using Lev at stud
All stud Inquiries will be treated with respect


Cengo Bohemia Vulkan Wild Rush's Knights of the Round Table

Awesome's Walztin' Matilda

Awesome's Carolz Choice
Awesome's Repitition Azalea

Wild Rush's
Laws of Attraction

Destineez Running Brave 

Repitition's Light My Fire 

Amazing Arin Bohemia Vulkan

Scedir Lex Luthor

Scedir Docholliday

Scedir Queen Elizabeth

Scedir Geena Davis

Scedir Freddy Mercury

Scedir Jodie Foster
Winz Sprate Bridgette for Marant Winz Sprate Douglas Wind of Changes Kaisha v. d'n Oppasser

Cooper-Silke v. d'n Oppasser 

Kaisha v. Stägefässli

Winz Sprate Marlen

Matraszepe Unchanged Quality

 Winz Sprate Sirafima

Winz Sprate Suzzi Quatro

Beard's Ghost Quickwitted Kiddy

Gloris Guns 'N' Roses

Rodzersija Un-Do

 Winz Sprate Sirafima

Scedir Dicktracy




3 years old


3 years old



2 years old


2 years old